the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

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Sam Ebertz Fails

This is just a note telling you that Sam Ebertz fails. Not only did he end his podcast without so much as a "last episode" episode, he was on the gadget show and totally wussied out on the "BLACKBERRY!"

Heaven 4.0 screenshot, featuring the dragon statue

Unigine Heaven Benchmark

It was just this past week that I realized that since I upgraded my video card, I don't think I had ran the Heaven benchmark. I was reading something (what specifically I forget), when I saw another news posting. It said that the Heaven 4.0 was released.


Paramedics paraglided in parallel to the parading paraplegic on a Paraguayan paramo.

Freelancer screenshot, shooting at an enemy ship


If you listen to my podcast at all lately, I have dropped certain hints to my gaming habits. Sometimes what I am playing, sometimes what's coming. What's coming in the long term is Star Citizen. Like Hawken, it seems that in this day of gaming revolution, long old forgotten PC genres are being randomly revived at an astounding pace.

Blogology Phraseology

We already know that Scientology is a failed religious ideology that doesn't involve demonology. Reagan said it was a tautology. He wasn't familiar with the hagiology branch of theology.

College Dropout

Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Mark Zuckerburg. Michael Dell. Larry Elisson. Gabe Newell.

THQ (Toy Headquarters), 1990-2013

This week, one of the game publishers of the good old days went under. THQ has been in bankruptcy, and its property has been auctioned away, piece by piece. Although none of its games of the past few years interested me enough to buy them (aside from that Humble Bundle), I really liked Supreme Commander and STALKER. I'm sad to see a once great publisher of PC exclusives and a proliferater of gaming originality go under.