the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

A blood dragon in the road, chargin

FarCry 3: Blood Dragon

I celebrated my birthday recently. As such, people go crazy. Jokes are played, and everything isn't taken at face value. Ubisoft decided that they would join in on the fun, too, and announce FarCry 3: Blood Dragon, except they were actually sorta serious.

The Soul Cairn, one of the areas added by Dawnguard. A very dark and unwelcoming place.

Skyrim DLC

As I mentioned before, I played Skyrim. But... I didn't really stop. In the intervening time, a few DLCs have trickled out. And now that they have announced that the team is moving on to something else, it seems that the coast is clear. I got all of these for about half off on various sales, so I figured, why not.

Never Say Never (Unless Its Really Never)

In doing research for my podcast, I came across two very different articles. And although I don't run a link blog like my good friend, I think this warrants my viewpoint. Both were well thought out (I think), and they dealt with things that would "never" happen. Both got me thinking a bit.

Screenshot of King

King's Quest 6

So after toying around with my Raspberry Pi, I discovered that ScummVM supports King's Quest 6. Good thing that I kept that disc from the very first computer that the family had. I imaged this disc a few years ago, so it should be saved from bit rot. So I copied the ISO over to my Pi and fired up ScummVM.

A Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi

After talking about them for weeks on end on my podcast, I finally decided to bite the bullet and order a Raspberry Pi. After all, one only costs $35 and everyone's talking about it like it's the latest thing from Apple (including myself), so what could be the downside?

Jim Raynor and his troops on Mar Sara

StarCraft 2: Wings Of Liberty

Recently, the first StarCraft 2 expansion came out. That has drawn me back into playing not just that, but the original, too. I have been reflecting a bit on a few things.

Toilet Blog Engine

So in case you didn't hear my podcast, I open sourced this blog on GitHub. I have taken my own advice to heart, and did not (or at least, tried not) to name my classes SomethingManager, and I hash my passwords without using MD5 or SHA-whatever. I had a few small libraries that I eventually merged into one (libWebsiteTools), and one other which I'm still sorta working on (libOdyssey) which is a sort of web analytics thing.