the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

Shot of a warthog crashing through a wall

Red vs. Blue

Soon after the Master Chief Collection came to Steam, I bought it. As I played through it, I made sure to document myself becoming a Halo fan. In so doing, I decided to dig into Halo machinima. I've encountered and even watched entire series of machinima before, but I never got into Red vs. Blue, the series that made machinima a big thing. Now that I've watched it all (or most of it), Red vs. Blue is the silliest series of anything that I've ever come across.

Screenshot of Puzzle Agent, where Nelson is standing in a hotel lobby.

Puzzle Agent

Puzzle Agent is another one of those Telltale games that I've had in my Steam library for years. Well, it and its sequel, Puzzle Agent 2. They're so similar that the second one is functionally an expansion of the first, so I'm doing them both here.

Screenshot of Hector in a park with some delinquents having a rave.

Hector: Badge of Carnage

I've had this knocking around since I bought that Humble Bundle with all the Telltale games. Unlike most (all?) of the others, this one wasn't connected to any franchise I heard of. In retrospect, I should have expected this to be a nice film noir story, but it quickly became too absurd and comedic to qualify.

Screenshot of Papers, Please, showing a multitude of documents and a man with killer sideburns

Papers, Please

Papers, Please is a bureaucrat simulator where you man a border checkpoint in a fictional totalitarian country during the late cold war. Gameplay mostly involves examining people's passports and other entry documents and calling 'gotcha' on them. Otherwise, you let them through if you can't find anything or you're lazy.

Screenshot of World of Goo 2, showing two sprayers fueling an airship.

World of Goo 2

World of Goo 2 is another sequel to a game that I don't think needed one. However, given the amount of time since the original, I'll let this one slide. I haven't played through the original for several years, so any references to it are from my own memory, and may not be accurate.

Screenshot of High On Life, showing all guns in the last bossfight with Nipulon.

High On Life

It's been a while since I played a silly game, so here we go. Some time ago, I happened across a Humble Bundle that had High On Life. I remember hearing about this, so I got it. A friend of mine is into Rick and Morty, and this game was made in part by the guy behind that show.

Taking down a vehicle convoy in the canyons.

Rage 2

Once upon a time, I played Rage. It was a competent FPS, but forgettable. So forgettable that I forgot that it had a sequel. Looking through my Epic Game Store collection, it escaped me that I acquired it at some point. It must have been a freebie once. Judging by the fact I hurried my way through it in 5 days and had fun, Rage 2 is not forgettable, and is, in fact, quite enjoyable.