the Bailey Scrolls

Hector: Badge of Carnage

I've had this knocking around since I bought that Humble Bundle with all the Telltale games. Unlike most (all?) of the others, this one wasn't connected to any franchise I heard of. In retrospect, I should have expected this to be a nice film noir story, but it quickly became too absurd and comedic to qualify.

Screenshot of Hector in a park with some delinquents having a rave.

Hector is a police detective, and doesn't hide the fact that he's an alcoholic slob who is so cheap that he sleeps at work in loo of going home at night. The first episode opens with Hector waking up in a jail cell, and your first challenge is getting out. He can't simply ask any of his co-workers to open the door, since they're all out at a hostage situation. Once you break out and speak with the hostage taker, you need to do 3 things in beautiful Clappers Wreake, a town in the English Midlands that deindustrialized so much that it dilapidated worse than Detroit.

The second episode deals with the the aftermath of the explosion that concluded the first episode. Like the first episode, this one has you going all over town to track down the guy that set off the explosion. The third episode has you waking up in a septic tank on a farm. Afterwards, you go to a street fair and stop the villain from turning everyone into blood thirsty savages.

The visuals are nice handdrawn comics. The style reminds me of mid-2000s Penny Arcade. However, because this uses the old Telltale engine, I can hear the tell-tale artifacts of very compressed MP3s in character's dialog. Gameplay is the usual pointy-clicky adventure games that are par for the course for Telltale games. Once I ran out of ideas to get out of that jail cell, I resorted to looking up guides and let's plays on Youtube. After needing to look under the mattress for something, I realized that this game uses the Sierra pixel-hunting school of game design, rather than the more refined ideas that came after. At least there were no timing based puzzles here.

This is not a game that I intend to revisit for any reason. I didn't enjoy it that much. I can't in good faith recommend it to anyone.

Posted under Gaming. 0 complaints.