the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

Running Out of Time

This dream I had rather recently, in the past 2 weeks or so. It certainly could happen, unlike that one dream, but I'm too alert and aware to let this one happen. And it was supposed to happen on a Sunday night. How fitting.

Toe Stew

A while back, my good friend Ian Buck started posting some dreams of his. Like all dreams, they have a "sort of" basis in reality, but sleep deprived minds have a way to twist things in a unique way. So let me share a weird dream I had about ten years ago. This dream is not based at all on reality. I somehow got to writing this one down while it was still fresh.


Paramedics paraglided in parallel to the parading paraplegic on a Paraguayan paramo.

Blogology Phraseology

We already know that Scientology is a failed religious ideology that doesn't involve demonology. Reagan said it was a tautology. He wasn't familiar with the hagiology branch of theology.

Happy 2013

The snow keeps falling,
Wishing you Happy New Year.
Make the best of it!


In a cave not far from here, a man sits and pounds away at some buzzword infused invention. It's not like anyone will care, for he is the last human left alive. He just doesn't know it yet. Tired of the silence, he turns on some music, and considers a time when things were very different.