the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

A screenshot of Brütal Legend, in an RTS battle.

Brütal Legend

I continue my journey through Tim Schafer's games. I finished this a month or two ago, and I've been too lazy to write a blog post about it until now. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be real quick about this.

Screenshot of Supreme Commander, showing the dual screen functionality.

The LOUD Project

It's been a while since I've played Supreme Commander regularly, or any RTS for that matter. On a PC Gamer article, someone mentioned this LOUD Mod for Supreme Commander. I started looking into it, then played it almost non-stop for weeks. This article is sorta a condensed version of what I discovered.

Screenshot of 20,000 Lightyears Into Space.

20,000 Lightyears Into Space

I've been playing 20,000 Lightyears Into Space since before I started writing this blog, so it mildly surprises me that I haven't wrote about it.

Screenshot of Batman: Arkham City.

Batman: Arkham City

We're more than four weeks into 2020, and I'm still not a cyborg, and things aren't more neon than they used to be. (That possible future has been delayed.) I don't follow the Batman universes too closely; is he a cyborg at some point? He has the money, and a corporation behind him, so it follows that it's possible.

Screenshot of Mass Effect: Andromeda, showing some combat with the ancient robots.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

While I waited for this free month of EA games, I planned out how I would make the best of it. Since I've been wondering for years about what another Humble Origin Bundle would have, why not turn that into a playlist? Crysis 3 would be neat to play through, just to see how it ended. It turned out to be short enough to knock out in a weekend, so now what? Mass Effect: Andromeda would be a likely candidate, since it wasn't exactly a money maker for EA, so why not give it away?

Screenshot of Crysis 3, showing a destroyed apartment building

Crysis 3

Thanks to EA's promotion of 2 factor authentication in October, they've given a lot of people a free month of Origin Access. Now, I can play almost anything on Origin. First up is Crysis 3. It seemed to go by rather quick. I guess that might be good for time efficiency sake, but that's a shame.

Screenshot of Torchlight II.

Torchlight II

I might be on a sequel binge, so here we go with another one. Torchlight II is definitely more Torchlight. Unlike the last game, you don't spend any time in a place called Torchlight. However, some stuff happened there in the intro cinematic. It turns out that the Alchemist from the original game went rouge and started destroying everything, so off you go chasing him!