the Bailey Scrolls

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Screenshot from Borderlands 2, from the Highlands area

Borderlands 2

Sequels. In every form of media, there are sequels. Generally, the more of them there are in a series, the worse it is. Even the first sequel can come with numerous problems that make the original still hold value. Borderlands 2 is not one of them.


It's been a wild three weeks. In browsing Hacker News, like I do, I witnessed the rise of 2048, and the proliferation of its forks.

Screenshot from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, showing the wish granter

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

Here's a THQ classic that I mentioned a while ago. This game is the absolute scariest game that I have ever played. The best part about it is that it does not present itself as such. There's no motif of murder, psycic eminations, or some crazy whacko, in neither its ads nor its environment.

Screenshot from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, showing a nuclear explosion

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

It doesn't seem so "modern" anymore, because it was released in 2008 or so. The only reason I had bought it was because that's what everyone was playing at LAN parties. Although it itself is a sequel, this could be pointed to as the beginning of the series' sequelitis.

Screenshot of Fallout: New Vegas, showing the "Welcome to Fabulous New Vegas" sign.

Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas is an interesting kind of game, and not quite all in the good way. For some, it's the only game they have on their neglected Xbox 360. For others, they wanted more Fallout 3. And New Vegas is sort of that, but not really. There is much less emphasis on the karma system, in that it hardly affects anything, and more emphasis is placed on your relations with another person's faction. If a town doesn't like you, the people won't be friendly, and if they hate you enough, they will start shooting. Last summer, I decided that I would replay it.

Screenshot from F.3.A.R., showing a armored truck crashed into the front doors of an airport


Sorry, it seems that I've been slacking off the shooter promise for a bit. Let's get back to work with the next F.E.A.R. installment.

Screenshot from Broken Age, showing Vella and the lumberjack

Broken Age: Act 1

Broken Age is the game that, for the longest time, was known as the Double Fine Adventure. Unfortunately the man behind all of this, Tim Schafer, cannot get publisher funding for a game to save his life. It was Kickstarted a long time ago, and it did well. So well that it made crowdfunding a viable method of fundraising for... pretty much everything.