the Bailey Scrolls

Now with 16 times the blog!

Server Outage

Have you heard? I was under the impression that everyone had heard. There's flooding going on in Thailand. And every hard drive manufacturer now has a factory in a lake.

International Backup Awareness Day

Last Thursday (I think), I pushed some new code out here. Among the updates, I made Spruce more flexible, I added an "Expires" header to my static content (css, images), and I've done some more SEO friendly URLs.

Rip Audio from Video Using FFMpeg

First, get FFMpeg and put the bin/ffmpeg to where your victim video is.(link for Windows) Second, open up ye olde command line and cd to the directory (for convenience). Then,

Insanity: Horrifying

In an effort to save money, the Department of Motor Vehicles no longer has a professional photographer on staff. Instead, it gets all the photos from Facebook.

Walking around DC, owning the town

Fallout 3

As part of Operation: Replay Games I Already Have, I have been going through Fallout 3 for the past 2 weeks.