In a station far above some far flung planet of some anonymous yellow dwarf, a chief scientist compiles reports from his team. He checks in with the signals intelligence operatives, and tries to clarify what he's been getting. "So they've mostly stopped all activity, and are idling?"
It's been a while since I've played Supreme Commander regularly, or any RTS for that matter. On a PC Gamer article, someone mentioned this LOUD Mod for Supreme Commander. I started looking into it, then played it almost non-stop for weeks. This article is sorta a condensed version of what I discovered.
We're more than four weeks into 2020, and I'm still not a cyborg, and things aren't more neon than they used to be. (That possible future has been delayed.) I don't follow the Batman universes too closely; is he a cyborg at some point? He has the money, and a corporation behind him, so it follows that it's possible.
Do you remember back when 2020 was supposed to be the glorious future? It was supposed to be this bright future where everyone would be happy, everything would be beautiful, and technology would solve all our problems. It's 2020, so I'm officially living in the future, but none of the good parts happened, nor did my clothes transform into polyurethane (not that anyone wanted that). From where I stand, 2020 feels a lot like 2019, just like 2019 felt a lot like 2018, and so on for every year, back to the dawn of time.
While I waited for this free month of EA games, I planned out how I would make the best of it. Since I've been wondering for years about what another Humble Origin Bundle would have, why not turn that into a playlist? Crysis 3 would be neat to play through, just to see how it ended. It turned out to be short enough to knock out in a weekend, so now what? Mass Effect: Andromeda would be a likely candidate, since it wasn't exactly a money maker for EA, so why not give it away?
Thanks to EA's promotion of 2 factor authentication in October, they've given a lot of people a free month of Origin Access. Now, I can play almost anything on Origin. First up is Crysis 3. It seemed to go by rather quick. I guess that might be good for time efficiency sake, but that's a shame.