the Andrew Bailey

Thank you for coming to my TED talk

Screenshot of Rise of Nations, showing the Iroquois and Chinese

Rise of Nations

Rise of Nations is a real time strategy game that I remember playing a lot at my friend's house 10 years ago. When I was picking up a few things on the last Steam sale, I decided to get it, even though it wasn't discounted. You see, I want Microsoft to know that it's OK to release its games on Steam, and I want to encourage that sort of behavior. Can haz Halo Collection, plz?*

watch the dump on youtube

Ice Bucket Challenge

I need to tell yinz something very important. Something that affected me on a very personal level. Today, I was dumped by a woman.

Screenshot of the Silver Lining, showing the guillotine in Chessboardland

The Silver Lining Episodes 1-4

Once upon a time, I played King's Quest. About 20 years later, I did it again and made a blog post about it. Recently, news broke that the Sierra games brand is being brought back after 15 years. I think there was something about a new King's Quest game in there somewhere.

Screenshot of The Witcher 2, showing the octopus-like Kayran

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Any astute readers of mine (currently about zero) will know that I have played The Witcher 2 in the past. They will also know that I haven't posted in a month. Oops. Life happens.

State of the Videogame Industry, June 2014

A while ago, I was on a podcast talking about E3. I talked about all the big publishers announcing their games. Lately, I have realized that the videogame industry is decadent. As a note, it seems that many people don't know what that word means. Decadent means decaying.

Screenshot of Chuck's Challenge 3D

Chuck's Challenge 3D

Not that long ago, I reviewed Chip's Challenge. I played that as a sort of introduction to this game.

Speed Is Money, or Why I Support Net Neutrality

Many people who support Net Neutrality do so because of public advocacy. I mean, who can be against having an internet that treats everyone equally? You're reading this right now, so something everything must have worked.