In doing research for my podcast, I came across two very different articles. And although I don't run a link blog like my good friend, I think this warrants my viewpoint. Both were well thought out (I think), and they dealt with things that would "never" happen. Both got me thinking a bit.
This is just a note telling you that Sam Ebertz fails. Not only did he end his podcast without so much as a "last episode" episode, he was on the gadget show and totally wussied out on the "BLACKBERRY!"
So the world didn't end. If we all ethereal (or whatever) beings now, it sucks just as much as being a mere mortal did. And there weren't even fireworks. Here I was hoping for an extinction level event. What a ripoff! I didn't get too invested in it: I only wrote a post-apocalyptic blog post.
As you might recall, I bought two more monitors some time back. I mentioned that I brought my two old ones to work. But now that I'm in between jobs, I've decided to completely connect all four up, and take a family picture. I'm not sure how I'll use them, but, hey, at least they are there and working. Sometimes you just need to do something crazy. This is one of those times.
I have my own podcast: Control Structure. It is a podcast about computer science, programming, administration, databases, and the like, for fun and profit.