the Andrew Bailey

Information Super-highway Vaporwave

The final level of Auditorium, almost got it...


After seeing Auditorium in a recent indie bundle, I realized that it had finally come to Steam. I had paid for this game a few years ago, and enjoyed it. Fortunately, the existing account I had at the developer's site had a way to generate a code to redeem on Steam, along with a stand alone download. Both worked magnificently.

Operation Bearlove

Yesterday, I came around to The Oatmeal to see if there's anything new. When the site eventually loaded, there was, but not the usual funny comic. I have never seen Oatmeal be so slow before. I had apparently come by two hours into "Operation Bearlove Good Cancer Bad".

Wheatley, sitting in the core transfer unit

Portal 2

I suppose this review might be a long time in coming (especially after giving a hint about it), so I might as well speak my mind about Portal 2.

CSS3 is awesome!

I have been playing around with my design lately, and want to share some of the cool things that I've done.

Reprise of the Good Old Days?

Several months ago, I was pondering about the good old days, as one is wont to do. But it wasn't good enough, I wanted to define exactly when this was.