Let's say you're doing this project, and it's the most awesome thing ever. You don't want to simply say it's "the project" like some lamer. You want a cool project codename. Like the name of a dragon. So here's an alphabetical list of not so common dragon names from around the world. I tried to keep to mythological dragons, but had to stretch one or two as just "snakes".
Let's step away from all this technical stuff again.
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned; I do not own a television.
I was back in my hometown last weekend. Had some old friends over, relaxed, and had plenty to do. Four day weekends for the win!
I am Andrew Bailey, and this is my blog. Being a programmer, I wrote this myself, and I maintain this thing, because let's face it: having a facebook page/wordpress blog/whatnot would just take the fun out of it. I made a New Year's resolution to start using this, so I think I might want to get on that before the world supposedly ends next year!