Road Redemption is a motorcycle-based street racing game. It's a sort-of spiritual successor to Road Rash. I say sort-of, because none of the original people involved in it made this. I backed this when it was on Kickstarter several years ago. It went on Steam Early Access not long after, and I've been playing it on and off since. It recently came out for real, and it has been a great ride!
I'm not enthusiastic about "remastered" games, so when Blizzard announced when they were remastering StarCraft, I was suspicious about it. I know that an incredible amount of these remasters are for games that haven't even been out for 10 years. The original StarCraft is like 20. That's four console lives! Okay, fine, I guess I'll take it.
Hey look! I can play and review a game without it taking forever. Here's a game that's (probably) the last in a series of not-RPGs. True to form, this is still not an RPG, but at least this one ends well.
After spending hundreds of hours on open world RPGs, then their addons, and enjoying them, I wanted to play something very different: something light-hearted (and maybe a little shorter). You know, how games are supposed to be. I sorted through the hundreds of games that I have, mostly acquired through Humble Bundle, and quickly decided the next game(s) to play.
During the last Christmas Steam sale, I picked up the Fallout 4 Season Pass. I had considered getting it about a year prior before the price got jacked up to $50. But I had not played the game yet, so per my DLC policy, I passed. The season pass was on sale for $30 (its original price), and that seems about right for the regular price.
Has it been over 6 years since I got a new CPU? That's like getting the fastest Pentium 2 in 1998, and happily using it past 2005, as you wheeze at the kids with their fancy dual-cores. (cough Back in my day...) That's quite a gap! But the weirdest part is that I don't think I've been left that far behind.
In a far future of the past, a man walks across the platform of a darkened auditorium. Having cleared the Veteran's Hall of its mutated inhabitants, this man decides to give the speech he was supposed to centuries ago. He steps behind the podium. "War. War never changes." The scars across this man's face tell that war is something he knows well. He helped liberate Anchorage, and watched the Great War erase his world with a mushroom cloud.