IBM Irrational
Since today is my last day at my current employer, I feel free to completely tear apart some element of the development stack. Let's start killing this monster by starting with anything beginning with IBM Rational or IBM Clear.
Since today is my last day at my current employer, I feel free to completely tear apart some element of the development stack. Let's start killing this monster by starting with anything beginning with IBM Rational or IBM Clear.
If you are employed in the gaming industry: LISTEN UP!
Once upon a 1981, IBM released a marvel of a thing. PC. It was created for a single purpose: to play games. PC's major advances came because of gaming, and because of his hippie parents, PC shared with his red headed cousins.
I was back in my hometown last weekend. Had some old friends over, relaxed, and had plenty to do. Four day weekends for the win!
I recently redid my site here to better use client side caching.
I am Andrew Bailey, and this is my blog. Being a programmer, I wrote this myself, and I maintain this thing, because let's face it: having a facebook page/wordpress blog/whatnot would just take the fun out of it. I made a New Year's resolution to start using this, so I think I might want to get on that before the world supposedly ends next year!