the Andrew Bailey

Huh. I used to think that the longer the game's blog post, the more I disliked the game. Fallout 4 is about 12k, Mass Effect: Andromeda is about 11k, and Borderlands 3 is 8.5k. Seeing as how I rather liked this, I'm surprised that it is my longest post, just shy of 15k.

When writing this, I had the thought that I should review music albums along with videogames. Of course, that would mean that I would have to learn how to critique music without sounding like a hipster snob who assigns a unique rambling hundred word genre for every track on an album. Every time I've tried, I end up sounding like a wine snob instead. (I don't even drink or read about wine!) Maybe that can be my stick?

the Andrew Bailey complained on .

Yeah, none of that DLC stuff is going to happen. Everyone involved with the campaign were laid off, fired, or otherwise not working at or for 343 anymore. I'm doubtful that the 10 year thing will last that long, either. This isn't the first time that 343 has changed direction mid-flight. Microsoft keeps buying game companies, but they don't do blockbuster games like they used to. It's rumored that Halo: Infinite cost half a billion dollars to develop. That's GTA-level money. For that much, I expect a lot more than what I got here.

When Xbox 360 launched almost 20 years ago, it seemed like Microsoft were eating the entire landscape, but today, they and their games keep fumbling. (They made so many promises to PC gamers that they never followed through on, so at least they're treating everyone equally now.) It's clear that they have some brilliant people working there (or used to), but who's causing the fumbles? Management? Bureaucracy? Have they gotten woke and are going broke? When will it stop? What will it take?

the Andrew Bailey complained on .