the Andrew Bailey Greatest Hits Volume 1
So, this seems to be my 100th post. YAY! Its been two and a half years to do this. Hopefully, the next hundred will come sooner. So here's a list of what's been most popular:
Extract And Export Winamp Playlists
It was a real problem I had, and seems to be the number one search hit I have on Google. People still come to this, even though there is an updated one available.
Honestly, this totally surprised me. Maybe they like the error there.
That's completely reasonable.
Doesn't have as many page views as the others, but turns out that showing off can have an effect on people.
That's a good list, and I really care about the Winamp thing. Here's some other articles that I really liked writing or researching:
Zopfli and The Windows Command Line
I found out about this algorithim while doing research for my podcast. It is amazingly practical.
Never Say Never (Unless Its Really Never)
Again, found while doing podcast research. It really made me think about many things.
Sometimes you have to make stuff up without caring whether or not everything effects the big picture.
This is sort of how I start talking about my dad to new people. I love to see that look on their face!
Did you know that they are quantum devices?
I still need to do something huge with this. Oh well.
It's why my links are so awesome.
Some mundane things cannot be explained, or remembered, and yet, can be pointed to for so much.
It's how a good portion of my blog works. I also open sourced it, remember?
Rip Audio from Video Using FFMpeg
This is the first article that I realized that I was using my blog as reference material. That is seriously useful stuff there.
Dreams can be scary.
Things need to be carried to their logical conclusion.
It's most of the reason why I am what I am.
These things are amazing. It's a useful application of fast hashing algorithims.
Every so often, I get the urge to write some English instead of Java or Python or something. It is refreshing from time to time. Once, I wanted to see how many para- words I could string together. I have had fun doing similar things with different words.
Of course, nearly every gaming article I had fun with. I actually played through those!
So there it is. One hundred posts. I wonder what the next 100 or 900 will bring.
You can't complain about this anymore. It's perfect!